Notice of a claim for damages under section 47B of the Competition Act 1998 published on 12 March 2007. A case management conference was fixed for 26 April 2007 but was subsequently adjourned. Upon being informed that the parties had reached agreement to settle the claim, the Tribunal made an Order on 14 January 2008 granting the Claimant permission to withdraw its claim and ordering the Defendant to pay the Claimant’s reasonable costs, to be assessed if not agreed. A hearing on the assessment of costs took place on 30 January 2009, at which the Tribunal directed that the assessment of costs be transferred to the Supreme Court Costs Office and that the Defendant make an interim payment to the Claimant of 30 per cent of the costs claimed.
This case has now been archived.
Note: This case was brought in the Tribunal under an earlier version of section 47B of the Competition Act 1998 which provided for claims for damages brought by a “specified body” on behalf of two or more consumers. The Consumers Association was a specified body by virtue of the Specified Body (Consumer Claims) Order 2005. On 1 October 2015, the Consumer Rights Act 2015 came into force. This substituted a new Section 47B setting out new types of collective proceedings that have now replaced claims made specified bodies.