- Case management conference
- Case management conference
- Case management conference
- There are no upcoming events to display
- Order of the President (Withdrawal of application)
- Order of the President (Stay and adjournment of the October hearing)
- Order of the President (Hearing Timetable)
- Order of the President (Adjournment)
- Non-confidential version of the second witness statement of Mr Prevett (for the CMA)
- Transcript of case management conference
- Ruling (Second Adjournment Application) | Summary
- Order (Intervention - Permission to Appeal)
- Order (Intervention)
- Ruling (Adjournment) | Summary
- Order of the President (Directions)
- Ruling (Admissibility of expert evidence) | Summary
- Ruling (Streaming of the Proceedings) | Summary
- Transcript of case management conference
- Order (Confidentiality Ring)
- Order of the President (Directions)
- Order of the President (Abridgment of Time)
- Transcript of case management conference
- Summary of application