Ruling of the Chair arising from the Pre-Trial Review in these proceedings on 4 December 2024. Five matters arose for determination:
Whether the Class Representative's joint industry experts, Messrs Goss and Whitehorn, should give their oral evidence separately, and whether they should be prevented from hearing each other’s testimony;
whether the First to Third and Fifth Defendants (the “MN Defendants”) could rely on K Line’s industry expert evidence, and the evidence of Mr Cunningham and Mr Dent, and whether the MN Defendants could call those witnesses as their own;
the timetable for trial;
the hot tub protocol; and
whether the First to Third Defendants (the “MOL Defendants”) should be allowed to introduce new evidence in the form of five witness statements adduced in PSA Automobiles SA & Ors v Autoliv AB & Ors 1535/5/7/22(T) (“the PSA Statements”).
For the reasons given in the judgment, the Chair concluded that:
Messrs Goss and Whitehorn should give their oral evidence separately, but neither should be excluded during the course of the evidence of the other.
The MN Defendants should have permission to call the K Line Industry Experts to give evidence at trial.
The draft timetable was to be left to the parties based upon the indications provided by the Tribunal.
The hot tub protocol would be finalised in correspondence with the parties; and
The MN Defendants should have permission to rely on the PSA Statements and transcripts at trial.
This is an unofficial summary prepared by the Registry of the Competition Appeal Tribunal.